Need new authority? No problem. We can help you setup. Our fee runs between $500-$800. That includes LLC, EIN, W9, Registration, MC Authority, USDOT, Trucking Insurance, IFTA, IRP, BOC-3, Form 2290, UCR and DOT Physical Exam.
Need dispatching services? We offer dispatching at a low cost of 8% of each load for tractor trailers with own authority. Box Truck, Hot-shot and cargo van dispatching cost is 10%. If you would like to lease on to our authority it is only 20% of each load but must meet requirements to do so. No term contract, no upfront cost to join. Sign up today by contacting us below or send us a email with your contact information and what you are looking for.
Need to move freight? Fill out contact form or contact us directly by email to request quote.